This is a redesign of a chart I came across, a chart that reminded me the state of BI we are in.
The original chart can be found at the excellent book “The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence”.
The aforementioned book is not a tech savvy’s choice. Its oriented towards BI project managers and for anyone who wants to create manage and leverage the BI asset on his organization.
The majority of organizations out there at level1 and struggling to move to the next league. This opens a window for opportunity that enterprises can reap in order to outperform competitors. Unfortunately this is not the case. Most of the BI initiates are being seen as the poor relevant of the ERP/OLTP system. There is a lack in communicating the real profit of BI to the business stakeholders. Further more its gains are indirect and business process change is required in order for BI to shine in the IT portfolio.
It’s the most common Maturity stage. Indeed the majority of the BI initiates are just delivering information specified by the end users in a managed way. There is no direct tie between information provided and decisions taken.
This is nothing more than a mere improvement at the process of delivering information prior the BI implementation.
Level 2
At the next level the company must provide a context of information rather than a simple list of required fields. That is we must seek why the information its being requested by the end-user community. By promoting the question “Why we need this kind of information” we can discover flaws to the process or to the information provided. The major difference between level 1 and level 2 is that Level 2 leverages ROI by aligning supported processes and the Information provided by the BI environment.
Level 3
Based on the previous level the organization leverages the BI asset. This is the stage at witch process restructure take place. At this level we must ask how the information its being used by the end-user community. That means decisions are structured and standardized based on information rather than intuition based on the corresponding user.