Friday, June 10, 2011

Change Default Formating in WEBI

In order to change default formating in WEBI XI onwards do the following

Edit the configuration  file defaultConfig.xml which resides at the server uder business objects installation  e.g C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\classes\AppletConfig\defaultConfig.xml. If you are using rich client you must change the local file.

The thing I want to point out here is the BACKGROUND setting. You see, in Web Intelligence, you cannot set the cells in a table to be transparent. That’s always bugged me. However, you can set the background to be transparent by default by changing the BACKGROUND line to the following:
<BACKGROUND R=”" G=”" B=”"/>

If you do this, you probably want to do the same for the next section, alternate body cells in a table (Alternate Row Shading), so the entire body of the table is transparent. After making this change, your table body will be transparent by default, but you can add color, to the background if you choose.
As you scroll down through the file, you see many things that you can customize in your formats. But one of the coolest options is at the bottom. Scroll down to the bottom, and you will find the settings for the skins. The built in skins are, in my humble opinion, ugly. Well, you can add your own skins. The skins are stored as images in the following folder:

C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\images\
I added a new image to this folder called globe.jpg. Then I added the following toward the bottom of the file:

<KEY VALUE=”cell_skin5,report_skin4,section_skin5,bloc_skin5?>
<SKIN NAME=”Globe” TYPE=”stretch”>

Now, when I go to select a skin for a report, Globe is listed among the options.
